Accommodations for People with Disabilities in Bellevue, Idaho

The Choices for People with Disabilities plan in Bellevue, Idaho provides a comprehensive overview of the recreational options available to residents with disabilities. Compiled by the SILC, this list of resources may be beneficial for individuals with disabilities. It is important to note that the SILC is not responsible for its content or services. As a student, you may face academic challenges due to temporary or chronic medical conditions, such as pregnancy. In these cases, you can request services or accommodations that range from temporary to permanent.

The Housing Resource Center can assist you if you have had a sudden or serious medical problem or personal situation, or if you need to withdraw from a course for compassionate reasons. Eligibility for these services is determined on an individual basis based on need and documentation. Personal assistants are available to help people with disabilities and older people live in the community, rather than in institutions such as nursing homes. Granting reasonable modifications is essential to ensure that people with disabilities have the same access to goods and services as those without disabilities.

Homer Frymyer
Homer Frymyer

Total sushi scholar. Incurable internetaholic. Friendly web specialist. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Proud tv practitioner. Extreme pop culture enthusiast.